Tummy Tuck
Perkit Health

What is Tummy Tuck Surgery? 

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to eliminate problems such as excess fat and skin, sagging in the abdomen due to pregnancy, rapid weight gain and similar reasons. It can be done in men and women. Abdominoplasty is usually performed with an incision extending from the lowest part of the abdomen transversely and two incisions around the belly button. After these incisions, the skin is stretched and sutured. Excess skin is removed, and the abdomen is brought to a smoother form.

Before and After Surgery 

Before the operation, the patient's health status and the drugs he uses are learned, various tests are performed, and if there is no obstacle, the surgery is planned. The person who will undergo the surgery is informed about the surgery to be performed by the doctor. 

  • Before the operation, patients are told that if they are using blood thinners, they should stop for a while, and they are warned not to eat or drink anything during the pre-operative period determined by the doctor. 
  • It is generally recommended to stay in the hospital for one day after tummy tuck surgery. 
  • It is normal to have swelling and mild pain after the surgery and will pass after a short time, when these pains occur, painkillers recommended by the doctor should be used. 
  • You should not lie face down for a while after the surgery. 

Very good results are obtained when the doctor's recommendations are followed, and the area is well looked after. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Risks in Case of Pregnancy After Surgery?

The question of whether there will be a complication in pregnancy after tummy tuck surgery is one of the most frequently asked questions. Abdominoplasty is not an operation that will prevent pregnancy or pose a risk during pregnancy.

Who is Tummy Tuck Surgery for?

The abdominal region is the region where the highest increase in fat tissue occurs when weight is gained. After gaining and losing excessive weight and pregnancy, the abdominal wall becomes bulging and sagging. The deformities that occur as a result of these events can be of varying degrees and tummy tuck surgery can be performed on these people.

What Type of Anesthesia is Used in Tummy Tuck Surgery?

General anesthesia is usually used in tummy tuck surgery.

Is It Possible to Do Sports After Tummy Tuck Surgery?

After tummy tuck surgery, physical activities that will force the abdominal region should be avoided and movements that will force the region should not be performed. It is recommended that the person who has the surgery stay away from compelling sports activities for 3-6 months.

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