What is Gynecomastia?
"Gynecomastia" is the term used to describe the benign enlargement of breast tissue in males. Some studies suggest that gynecomastia affects approximately one out of every three males. It can be observed in infancy and old age, but it most commonly occurs during adolescence. According to a study conducted in our country, the prevalence of gynecomastia in male adolescents is 34.6%.
Although gynecomastia is not a harmful condition to one's health, it can cause distress and embarrassment to the individual. Gynecomastia that has been present for a long time does not usually resolve on its own. It may require medical treatment and, in some cases, surgical intervention.
Cause of Gynecomastia
The causes of gynecomastia are related to the imbalance or irregularity of estrogen and testosterone hormones. In other words, if there is a decrease in the amount of testosterone or an increase in the amount of estrogen in the body, gynecomastia may occur. There can be various reasons for these hormonal changes. Some of these changes are natural and do not have any underlying medical condition. Other cases of gynecomastia may be caused by an underlying medical condition.
Gynecomastia (Breast Enlargement in Men)
Can occur in males due to various reasons. It can be a result of normal hormonal changes in newborns, adolescents during puberty, and older men. However, there are also genetic factors that can contribute to gynecomastia. If males experience swelling, pain, tenderness, or nipple discharge in the breast area, it is essential for them to seek medical attention.
Gynecomastia in men can be caused by conditions such as hyperthyroidism, kidney failure, cirrhosis, and tumors. Additionally, hormonal changes that occur with aging, especially in overweight or obese men, can also lead to gynecomastia.
Before Gynecomastia
Before gynecomastia surgery, a pre-operative meeting is conducted with the anesthesiologist at the hospital where the surgery will take place, approximately 2 days before the operation. Following this meeting, necessary tests and PCR tests are performed.
During the pre-operative period of gynecomastia surgery, one of the most important considerations is to avoid blood-thinning medications and other blood-thinning supplements. Starting from 2 weeks before the surgery, the consumption of blood-thinning medications such as Aspirin, herbal products like green tea, and vitamins like Vitamin E should be stopped.
Alcohol and smoking should be avoided before gynecomastia surgery. It is also beneficial to bring the body mass index within normal limits before entering the surgery.
Additionally, besides pandemic prevention measures, other pre-operative precautions should be taken into account to ensure a successful gynecomastia surgery.
After Gynecomastia
Following gynecomastia surgery, the use of a gynecomastia compression garment is essential to apply controlled pressure to the chest area, preventing the build-up of fluid and blood at the surgical site.
Within 2 hours after the surgery, the patient can begin oral feeding, and after 4 hours, they are encouraged to start getting up and walking.
During the recovery period, it is recommended for the patient to lie in a semi-sitting position, avoiding strain on the arms. This position alleviates pressure on the chest and promotes easier breathing.
After wearing the gynecomastia compression garment and avoiding excessive arm strain, most patients can return to work within 5-7 days post-surgery.
For the next 4-6 weeks, the patient should continue wearing the compression garment, which helps the underlying breast tissues adhere and tighten. Over time, swelling and edema in the breasts subside, and the loose skin gradually tightens, leading to the final aesthetic outcome. However, complete cellular healing and final results may take 6 months to 2 years.
During the 6-week recovery period, strenuous activities involving the arms should be avoided to promote proper healing.
If any further intervention is needed in the surgical area, it is advisable to wait for at least 6 months, and sometimes up to one year, for optimal healing before considering additional procedures.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does It Take to Recover From Gynecomastia Surgery?
Most patients recover from gynecomastia surgery within approximately 3-5 days. Swelling will significantly diminish within 2-3 weeks, but some firmness may persist for 6-8 weeks.
How Should I Sleep After Gynecomastia Surgery?
During the first month after surgery, it is essential for the patient to avoid sleeping on their stomach (face down). This position can cause indentations in the chest area and should be avoided for optimal healing.
Is There a Risk of Gynecomastia Recurrence After Surgery?
In the absence of medical conditions like cancer or hormonal disorders, the likelihood of gynecomastia recurrence after surgery is low. However, certain factors such as significant weight gain, the use of anabolic drugs, excessive alcohol consumption, or certain medical conditions can rarely contribute to its recurrence.