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What is Blepharoplasty (Upper Lower Eyelid Lift)?

Upper lower eyelid lift is known in medicine as “blepharoplasty.” It can be done under and above the eyes.

1) Upper eyelid aesthetics: also known as ptosis surgery. The operation is the process of cutting and removing excess skin and muscle tissue in the area. The incision is made on the eyelid crease line so that the surgical scar does not appear. An eyelid lift operation can be preferred in addition to that. Forehead lift and brow lift operations give better cosmetic results.

2) Lower eyelid aesthetics: In people who are bothered by the appearance of collapse under the lower eyelid, first of all, the operation of hanging fat pads under the eyelid can be performed endoscopically. If the cyst and sagging persist,  Surgery is preferred.Surgical incision is made just below the eyelashes.Excess skin and muscle tissue are removed,fatty pads are distributed over the area and the operation is completed with sutures.

Before and After Eyelid Surgery

Ask for the tests your doctor ordered before surgery.

  • Stop using medications with blood-thinning effects (aspirin, modal, etc.) at least a week before. 
  • Do not wear make-up before the operation. 
  • The operation does not require hospitalization. 
  • It is normal for swelling and bruising to occur after the operation.  Since the eyelid is a sensitive area, it swells easily.  Therefore, it is recommended to rest for a week. 
  • You should come and have your stitches removed at the time recommended by your doctor and should not disrupt your regular check-ups. 
  • Avoiding alcohol and smoking after the operation as well as before the operation will positively affect the healing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will There Be Any Scars in the Eyelid Surgery, or Will They Be Visible, if Any?

As in every surgical procedure, a small scar remains in blepharoplasty.  However, these scars are hidden by incisions made at the natural fold point on the upper eyelid and on the lower lash line on the lower eyelid.

In How Many Days Can I Return to My Working Life After Eyelid Surgery?

Although it varies from person to person, you can come back to When will the results become visible? Work after 5 to 10 days on average

When Will the Results Become Visible?

The results of a blepharoplasty, typically become visible gradually as the healing process progresses. In general, patients can expect to see some immediate improvement in the appearance of their eyelids right after the surgery, but the full results may take some time to fully develop.

Swelling and bruising are common side effects after a blepharoplasty, and these can temporarily obscure the final results. Over the first week or two following the surgery, the swelling and bruising will begin to subside, allowing the initial improvements to become more apparent.

By the end of the first month, most of the swelling should have resolved, and the eyelids will start to look more natural and defined. However, it may take a few more months for all residual swelling to completely subside, and the final results to be fully evident.

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