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What is Labiaplasty?

Inner labiaplasty is a procedure to shorten, reduce and reduce the inner lips (labia minora) of the external female genitalia. Labia minora surgery is also known as labia minora or inner lip aesthetics. The goal is to prevent the inner lips from drooping when standing with the legs in a position  Closed It is an operation that provides psychological, functional, sexual and health benefits It can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia Several surgical techniques can be used The technique used depends on the condition of the patient and the preference of the doctor.

Before and After Labiaplasty Surgery

Before the operation, you must undergo the examinations ordered by the doctor.  Surgery will be determined according to the test results.

  • You must take a shower before coming to the surgery. 
  • If local anesthesia is to be applied stomach should be full, and if general anesthesia is to be applied, at least 8 hours of fasting is required. 
  • Please tell the doctor if you have any chronic diseases. 
  • If you are using blood thinners 10 days before the operation, you must stop. 
  • Avoid sexual intercourse the day before the operation.  
  • No hospitalization is required after the surgery. 
  • Hygiene is very important.  After toileting, the area should be kept clean and dry.
  • Stay away from humid environments such as the sea, swimming pool, bathtub and jacuzzi for at least 4 weeks. 
  • If you are interested in yoga, Pilates or gymnastics, you need to take a break for 4 weeks.  
  • Do not ride a horse, motorbike or bicycle for at least 4 weeks. 
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for 4 weeks. 
  • Waxing, hair removal, laser etc. for at least 4 weeks after surgery.

Follow your doctor's recommendations for a fast and uncomplicated recovery process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Have a Normal Delivery After Labiaplasty Surgery?

The operation does not prevent normal delivery.

Can It Be Understood That I Have Labiaplasty Surgery?

It is usually incomprehensible after surgery, but minimal surgical scars may remain.

Will There Be Bleeding Such as Intermediate Bleeding After the Surgery?

The wound heals within 7-14 days after the operation and bleeding is not expected.

Can Virgins Have Labiaplasty Surgery?

Anyone who wants and has problems can have labiaplasty surgery.

Will There Be a Change in Sexual Pleasure After Labiaplasty Operation?

Since tissue remains are removed in the operations performed in the operation, this area becomes more sensitive and sexual pleasure intensifies.

Is It Possible to Have Labioplasty Surgery During Menstruation?

If you are on your period, it is not recommended because it increases the risk of infection. When the period ends, the operation is planned.

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